Sunday, February 26, 2017

52 in the Year of 52 --- #hike9 --- Blue Mountain Preservation

Well this hike is not for the faint of heart...not because it's so physically challenging but because the trails are not marked well. 
Starting with getting there...if you type in BMP into GPS you will most likely be sent to the BMP shooting range. Type in Welch Lane BMP don't go towards Montrose. 
Positives...very friendly mountain bikers and hikers who helped get me back on trail. If you are a single sporty girl...there are a slew of handsome rugged bikers to be chatted up! 😜

Blue Mountain Preservation 
Peekskill, NY
Hiking poles a good idea
I wish I could tell you the trails I took...but suffice it to say I was "hiking" from 9:30am - 1:30pm
Sunny, but breezy day 

My lessons for this hike, don't panic. Bring a compass. Back track when a trail goes cold. Keep your chin up! 😁 and your eyes too! 

Laying down on the job...
At the top of Spitzenberg Mountain...
Lost #3
Lost again...but still smiling!
Next step is a doozy...where did the trail go? 
Keep on stepping...
Lost #6...
Follow the stream back...yay!
I found my way back...
I am a tree hugger but also happy to hug my mini when I finally made it back to it! 
The trail map...doesn't really jive with the trails...

Happy to be outside always! Probably would try this trail again but with a friend in tow...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

52 in the year of 52 --- #hike8 --- The Cloisters

From freezing rain/snow/sleet last week to warm, 62' and sunny this week.

Whether I am training to 190th at 7:45am on a sunny Sunday or knee deep in snow blazing a trail in the woods during a blizzard...each hike, for me, is as much about exploring and enjoying nature as it is uncovering, learning and experiencing new terrains. 
I approach each of my hikes with equal amounts of curiosity, nervousness and excitement and finish them feeling great senses of peace, appreciation and accomplishment. 

The Cloisters 
A Train from 59th up to 190th Street. Take the elevator up, pop outside and off you go.
3.5 miles
No poles
Some inclines and stairs 
Not tons of people, but a few...

Fort Tyron @ 190th Street 

"The intense" trail map...more people on the west side of park...
GWB and a barge...
Some stairs on a Saturday morning...
Probably could have worn sneakers...but I didn't know what I was in for...
Took some side trail steps....

A little Cloisters History and scoop ---
A Cloister is - 
a covered walk in a convent, monastery, college, or cathedral, typically with a wall on one side and a colonnade open to a quadrangle on the other.
Originally owned by an American sculpted who collected medieval artifacts. John D. Rockefeller bought and gave the property to the Met in 1935. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

52 in the year of 52 --- #hike7 --- Westmoreland Sanctuary

What a day what a hike! 

I loved hiking Westmoreland Sanctuary! Sure it was hailing, sleeting, snowing and even raining at times but well worth the views, peace and quiet and wild animal encounters. 

I had a couple of hours of pure silence to think and talk to myself. 😬
The past few weeks I have been beside myself watching and listening to all the intolerance, misinformation, hypocrisy and deceiving agendas in our country. Maybe this is what the media and politicians want to happen?!? Make our heads spin with misinformation so we are paranoid and distrustful? 
Well I am not having it!
As I journeyed through this beautiful sanctuary breathing in fresh air, watching birds and deer scamper about I reconfirmed my resolve to keep the faith that naturalists, outdoorsmen, and the likes will find what we agree on and love and start from there and that the public does more research before regurgitating rhetoric from the media, and extremists (from both sides).
Ps- and don't start a political conversation with me regarding what we the people are "owed" by the government...because I am armed with research facts and numbers now regarding "hot" topics...

Westmoreland Sanctuary
5.64 miles
Great trail markings
Ups and downs
Used poles
Hiked the outside perimeter trails plus cole's kettle 

Hair frozen, maybe could have used goggles....
Great singage!
Snow ankle deep in some spots, mid calf deep in others...
Lots of seemingly new bridges ...
Need a blow out after this hike...

Sunday, February 5, 2017

52 in the year of 52 --- #hike6

3 hours of hiking, some sunshine, some snowfall, a clumsy fall and lots of alone time to think. 
Could I be able to hike 3 1/2 miles per hour? Maybe...
What did today's hike teach me? 
-Always bring a paper map...don't rely solely on my phone map!
-Learn what all the different trail signs mean
-Stay aware of my surroundings
-Appreciate the views! 

I started using different hiking trail apps --- all trails and hiking project. Both apps seem good but neither mentioned I had to pay $10 to to enter this preserve. 

Ward Pound Ridge 
I parked at Michigan Road parking lot. Started my hike around 10am at Trail Junction 70 followed the red/yellow to TJ 10 followed the orange trail to 13 then to 15, followed blue trail to TJ 17 then to 58 picked up white RT at 48 to 59 to 39 then red/green back to my start via JTs 34, 30 31 and 54..
3 hrs

I will be back for sure! 
Zoom in, so many options! 
In the beginning! Junction 70
Heading up and down Blue trail
Catching a flake or two on the white RT trail...
Taking a break...near the end...I was gassed! 

Definitely gonna deserve a super bowl splurge! 😜