Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 9 - JFK bound

Home again home again...

All the reviews about this trip were spot on! It was tough, 15-17 hour days, cold, raining and windy 7 out of the 8 days, wore the same clothes for 6 of the 8 days, and the views were out of sight spectacular! 

Reflections on the Norwegians we met and places we saw...Norwegians are country proud, very very hardy, nature lovers, can and do live off their land and are major meat eaters (think lamb, goat, reindeer and red deer balls all day everyday...)  

Personal reflections: I appreciate this special adventure time set aside in my year, it allows me to reflect, refocus, reenergize, and reboot.  I take a personal inventory, try to understand myself better, set some new goals for the year ahead, stretch my physical and mental comfort zones and have a blast! 

I am grateful to meet the most amazing people along they way, learn from them, laugh with them, and share the physical and mental triumphs.

Where to next time...????


Gear to go...memorialize our inner Norwegian Viking vibes...
Smooth Tesla airport ride from our awesome guide Einar! 
Reunited with our Norwegian Air blankets on the ride home...
Feeling the 39k high...

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