Monday, June 25, 2018

Appalachian Trail - Section Hike 2 --- Prep & Training

Greenwich, CT to Fontana Village Resort

The travel day to camp and to the Fontana Dam trail head...

Well this trip just won't be the same without my trusty sidekick...

With 12 of the 14 days ahead predicting thunderstorms and rain, with the lack of training, with the 20 extra lbs on me, with the pack for 1 that seems to have grown larger than the pack for two and with no ride, no hotel and bears a plenty all ahead of me ... needles to say i am nauseously panicking about this section hike...shhhhh, don't tell the others!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun Janine! My Philmont hike with my boys got cancelled due to the NM wildfires so I'm living vicariously through you.
