Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Appalachian Trail --- Section Hike 1 --- Day 10

Day 10
Glassmine Gap to Wayah Gap Road
12.4 miles

We are a bit weary, self admittedly, at least I am.

Lots of elevation ups and downs. 

Someone up there must have known our spirits were trailing...

There is nothing better than an act of kindness...Trail angel and trail magic from David Waters was a welcomed surprise as we sat by the road for a break.

Two oranges. 

May not sound like much to you, but to us these oranges symbolized hope, kindness, care, fresh food, thirst quenching goodness, we didn't lick the juices running down our arms...but we could have!

If you ever get inspired to pick up an AT hiker, leave some sodas or food or even take them to dinner...thank you! Its hard to convey the deepest gratitude we experience.

Siler Bald is a bit of a side trip up...but worth it! The views were amazing.

On another note...stay in your tent, a shelter or a reputable motel/hotel in Wayah Gap surrounds...we were traumatized at the end of the day here...

I purposely left out a piece of this experience for fear of retribution. But I will leave it at this, ONLY stay at motels/hotels in this area if you need to take a break. I feel like this area exploited the hikers. Over priced dinner, we were left at the side of the road for two hours in pouring rain waiting for paid ride into town to show...the list goes on.

Our worst experience on the trail by far! We were thinking of taking a zero day, but were so freaked out, we got up and ran out the next day. Ran is an overstatement, had to pay $80 to get a ride back to the trail and get the hell out of there.

YUCK! Don't stop here, period.

Run past this stop...we couldn't get out of this town and the people fast enough...

Siler Bald, amazing views in between the rain drops

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Trail angel laying some fresh oranges on us...in a moment a need!

Left for two hours...waiting for our "ride"...this is right before the 1.5 hours of deluge we waited through... :(

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