Wednesday, April 26, 2017

52 in the Year of 52 --- #hike17 --- Cranberry Lake Preserve

Let the AT training continue!

Cranberry Lake Preserve, what a gem! And so close to home.

Great hike for kids and adults alike!

The quarry was just awesome, as were the cascades, the reservoir across the way and all the informative signage. 

Lots of people, kids, great energy around the Preserve.

Cranberry Lake Preserve
7.2 miles
AT training hike #3
Not strenuous at all, rocks at quarry challenging to scale with large packs on
3 hours
Still no poles
Get there early to get ahead of the crowds

Another beautiful hiking day! Smiles for miles 

The Cascades

The graffiti love tree!

The Quarry! Just awesome!
Big step off a short cliff...
Walk for miles...
and miles!

We will be back Cranberry Preserve!

52 in the Year of 52 --- #hike16 --- Ward Pound Ridge Reservation --- LOST & FOUND!

Well this hike proved to exploit all emotions!!! Getting lost is never good...

Although we have hiked WPRR before...#hike16 was just a great reminder to make sure we are prepared, know our hike, hike our own hike, communicate with your hiking buddy, and have an emergency plan...

Milli and I got separated for a good 20 minutes!

Her feet were hurting (need better boots for her --- hand me downs not working) and she was lagging behind, tired from a sleepover the night before and a long week at school...need I say she was probably pouting too! I was feeling strong and it was a gorgeous hiking day...somewhere we need to meet in the middle --- our AT experience will prove hugely developmental for us both!

We followed the white blaze and at a certain point there is a hairpin turn left, if you are not paying attention you could follow another unmarked horse trail right...and so the story starts there...

I was thinking to myself as I was puffing along, well I haven't heard any whining for a bit, thats refreshing...I will turn around when I get to the top of the next hill...

As I got to the top I turned around to cheer Milli on, and to my utter dismay she was NOWHERE! I started screaming her name, running down the hill, then the next hill, back to where I saw her last, screaming her name, blowing my emergency whistle, thinking the worst, praying for the best...I checked lean tos, took two different trails and finally ran back towards our car...all the while the reservation was still, quiet, void of all other people, animals and heart was about to burst...

Never once did I check my phone, never once did I think to go to the hairpin turn trail split.

As I reached the beginning of the trail, i saw a family of 7, frantically i asked if they had seen a blonde girl with a pack, the older woman, clearly unaware of her surroundings said no...just as I was about to burst into tears and call the police, the older man said yes I saw her in the upper parking lot, there! He pointed to Milli standing with two women who picked her up a mile off the trail on a service road.

Just like a scene from a romantic movie, she and I saw each other from yards away and ran towards each other, embracing, crying, thanking the women who picked her up and taking the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

We took a moment and both decided we should reboot and try our hike again!

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation 
6.5 miles (maybe a mile was racing to find Milli)
2.5 hours
Beautiful spring day
No poles
Bear warning...
Hmmm...are we whining?

Hike reboot --- how are we still smiling?

 Happy Hiking Mama 


Respect nature, never take preparedness for granted!

52 in the Year of 52 --- #hike15 --- Around the Town - 1st AT Training Hike

Ok well its on!!! 
We are 8 weeks away from section hiking the first 150 miles of the Appalachian Trail!!!

I am a wee bit anxious...lots of details to cover, reading everything I can get my hands on...

Staying the first night before the hike @HikerHostel check them out, super nice and accommodating.

Taking Milli out for the training hike, staying close to home, just in case...

I have about 20lbs on my back, she has about 10. We haven't bought anything new yet, trying to see what we need and feel comfortable carrying first.

Around Town 
7.6 miles
Lots of traffic --- three people, including a motorcyclist asked us if we needed a ride!! Thank you!!! Kindness makes our day...
No poles
2.5 hours

Note to A**Hole drivers --- give us room!!!!!!!!! I can guarantee you are not going anywhere where they would celebrate you for running over a hiking mama and her kid!!!!!!!

Enjoy our smiles!

All hiking, packing and food advice welcomed!

Smiles for miles!

 Milli trying out my old boots...stay tuned

 Lesson for the day...pack less!

Still going...maybe a few whines...

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

52 in the year of 52 ---#hike14

Had some blogger I am a bit behind on my posts!

Week 14 & Hike 14 were at Hemlock Hills/Pine Mountain.

I have found Strava this app to keep track of my mileage and pace, follow me there. Jeanine Behr Getz.

So my AT training has started...that means all hikes going forward will be with my 80L pack on and a lot of our stuff packed inside so I can get used to the wait.

Taking all and any equipment guidance/suggestions.

Hemlock Hills/Pine Mountain
Used poles
Markings not great...every once in awhile there are "you are here maps" - very helpful
6.5 miles in 2.5 hours
Some good ups and downs
Great scenery
At the start...all smiles and fabulous locks...
Don't mind me...i am just a map...

What actually happened :) 

I swear this is steep...can u tell?

how about now? ;) 

Always traveling with my map in hand

Bennett Pond, gorgeous wonderful water fowl

A few ponds along the way

Who doesn't love water obstacles?

Opportunity to walk on water...or at least wade through it... :) 

Blaze hazard

Smiles for miles...pack ok...need to load more in on the next hike!