Wednesday, April 26, 2017

52 in the Year of 52 --- #hike17 --- Cranberry Lake Preserve

Let the AT training continue!

Cranberry Lake Preserve, what a gem! And so close to home.

Great hike for kids and adults alike!

The quarry was just awesome, as were the cascades, the reservoir across the way and all the informative signage. 

Lots of people, kids, great energy around the Preserve.

Cranberry Lake Preserve
7.2 miles
AT training hike #3
Not strenuous at all, rocks at quarry challenging to scale with large packs on
3 hours
Still no poles
Get there early to get ahead of the crowds

Another beautiful hiking day! Smiles for miles 

The Cascades

The graffiti love tree!

The Quarry! Just awesome!
Big step off a short cliff...
Walk for miles...
and miles!

We will be back Cranberry Preserve!

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